Friday, June 20, 2008


My ring is sized and ready to go. Apparently it is really made of platinum, not white gold. So we paid $ for a ring worth $$. It's a nice feeling. I think it might be kind of big. Oops. Apparently my fingers lost some weight as well.

It looks so beautiful. I'm not posting photos of it until you can really see it on my finger (meaning I am engaged).

That Groom thinks it's funny to fake me out (Jim Halpert style, faking out Pam on The Office all season), and he really enjoys getting down on one knee as often as he can. I back away from him and yell at him to stop. I know some think it is romantic, but I don't want to be proposed to when I am wearing my sweats doing the dishes.

This is getting ridiculous.


Dana said...

I was proposed to in sort of that way you described. You can read how I was proposed to on my blog. My fiance is a funny person at heart and I totally would have known something was up if he did the whole romantic, evening out thing. They way he did it was so us. It was special to me and always will be. My only advise is to enjoy the moment.

Kelli Nicole said...

Hahahaha, that's hilarious. I love that he pulls a Jim on you whenever possible. Oh heavens. It would drive me crazy too!

122LOVESME said...

YAY!!! I can't wait to see it!! So exciting! I just got my ring back too. It's a little big when my hands are really cold, but it fits a lot better...I don't have to change fingers when I shower now.

Rachel said...

Ha ha ha!! Too funny!
Yeah, I wouldn't want to be proposed to while wearing sweats either. Chris threw a surprise party for me one Saturday - I had not a clue. I was just glad my hair wasn't in a ponytail!!! ;-)

How exciting!!! Just go with the moment!

Kate said...

Hilarious and adorable all at once. Love it!

Can't wait to see the ring - and can't wait until he proposes so I can hear the story of how it really happens!

Angel said...

You had me with The Office picture...the suspense is killing me, I can't imagine what it's doing to you. I can't wait to hear the final story!

Claire said...

That is too funny! I would yell at him too.

Tiffany said...

awww too cute.

can't wait to see the ring!

Cate Subrosa said...

Nice on on the platinum ;)

This is *so* exciting. I loved this post and I love how he is teasing you. I can't wait to see how the proposal turns out but mostly I'm just happy for you to be in that place when you're almost engaged... it's delicious.

Not sure if you knew this but I saw my ring three weeks before Baddie proposed. (He doesn't to this day know that. You can read about it here if you're interested.

Jenna said...

dana-I hope I didn't demean or take away from something that means something to you. I think that is the one danger of blogging, comments can be seen as flippant.

Guilty-I think I would have sneaked a peek as well. I didn't have to worry about that because I picked this one out.

The Boyfriend said...

Yes, it's certainly hard to propose to this girl since she runs away screaming every time I try. I don't remember Pam doing that.

So, I've decided to wait and give her some time.

Benita said...

hahaha this is so funny. i love that he is doing that. love it. although i would be getting so mad - the same mad that i got when jim kept doing that to pam.