Step 1: Take one chandelier.
Step 2: Insert candle, begin to burn.
Step 3: Place fan on low and point toward candles. Keep fan far enough away from candles to keep them from blowing out.
Step 4: Rotate chandelier so that wax drips down all sides of the candles. Repeat as needed.

Step 5: Burn 1st candle down as far as possible. While wax is still in liquid form, insert 2nd candle directly on top of 1st candle. Hold in place to keep 2nd candle straight while wax hardens.
Step 6: Burn 2nd candle about 1/3 of the way down to help the look flow together.
Step 7: Admire the drippy, delicate, romantic outcome.

Step 8: Figure out how to transport something so delicated to a venue 3 hours away. (Suggestions?) I am thinking we might have to hang this from the ceiling of the car somehow to get it there!
The structure of the glass atrium allows us to hang this right above the us as we stand together and tell why we married each other that day. Other than 12 hanging votives, this is our only ceremony decorations. I think the simplicity of the decorations will really help this stand out.
The structure of the glass atrium allows us to hang this right above the us as we stand together and tell why we married each other that day. Other than 12 hanging votives, this is our only ceremony decorations. I think the simplicity of the decorations will really help this stand out.
Anyone else have to work around "no flame" restrictions at their venue?
What a great job you did! I love chandeliers... when Baddie and I buy our own place, I'm getting one whether he likes it or not! :p
I love it, and what a creative way to get around the no-flame rules!
We were told that we were permitted to have votive candles... so I designed the escort "cards" as etched and stained votives -- they came out looking fantastic, and were by far one of my favorite projects. As long as a tea light was in the votive, and not an actual votive candle, the glass didn't get hot, and it was easy to carry the votive from the escort card table to the seating table, so we thought everything was fine -- after all, votives were perfectly permitted.
The night before the wedding, when we drop everything off at the hotel, the head of catering decided that it was unacceptable, because guests would be coming from cocktail hour -- if it had been before cocktail hour, fine, but not after cocktail hour. WTF? My family is not a bunch of lushes. They are not going to be getting smashed at cocktail hour (especially knowing that there is an open bar continuing for the next 5 hours of the reception) and lose the ability too carry a votive candle for 20 feet. And you couldn't see the names written into the glass if the votive wasn't lit up from the inside. So, in lieu of making it to the rehearsal dinner on time, the groomsmen had to drive around the entire Philadelphia area in search of as many of the battery-operated tea lights as possible. Groan.
I knew you were up to something with that cryptic picture a few weeks ago - nice. It it will have a nice effect during your service. Make sure your photographer gets the details!
That looks really cool.
We don't have a no flame rule, but doing the halloween reception means we can get away with having some more over the top fake looking lights.
I really love that idea!!! I think you're going to have to have someone hold that while driving, unless you have a way of having it hang from the ceiling of the car. That's so cool and creative!
I can't really offer any suggestios as far as transporting the chandelier....but that looks awesome.
I want to do that in my living room!
Whoa. I will make sure to oooh and aaaah really loud over the candelier. You should have a phantom of the opera moment occur. That would be an unforgettable reception to blog about.
ehidium-What a nightmare! Did the battery operated lights work though?
marnie-I think you are going to be the best wedding guest ever.
Hi Jenna, hope you don't mind put I placed a link to this FAB DIY on my site :)
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