Sunday, October 19, 2008

Continuation of Previous Goals

I had a hard time buttoning my pants for dinner on Friday night. Eating cake, cheese, and butter in unlimited amounts on the honeymoon may not have been the best idea.

After washer, dryer, couch and bed this will likely be the next thing on our "must purchase" list. Yes, this is a metal DDR dance pad worth several hundred dollars. We are fanatics.

Obsessive calorie counting using Fitday begins once again on Tuesday.

Anyone else feel a little pudgier after the honyemoon?


Cate Subrosa said...

He he... I'm going to eat so much on our all inclusive honeymoon, I'm sure I'll be in the same place as you a few weeks from now!

Maggie said...

We definitely both put on a little weight over the honeymoon, even though we walked several miles every day. All that Greek food was too much to pass up.

Julie @ Bunsen Burner Bakery said...

YESSS! The metal DDR pads!!!!

I actually had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day. I saw a friend I hadn't seen since my wedding 4 months ago, and she was so shocked to see me since I've lost weight since the wedding, and she said that every couple she had ever known gained weight in their first year of marriage. Thinking about it... it was true for couples I know, as well. I think you just move in together, settle down... life is happy and good. Not, you know, 30 lbs, but everyone plumps up a little. So good for you for getting back into your regular routine.

AmyJean {Relentless Bride®} said...

I love DDR!! I just got the Wiifit and so far, its pretty fun... although I only just started it today! Hopefully the novelty last long for me :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes. I ate A LOT of fudge and chocolate on our honeymoon. It was worth it, though ;)

Read and See said...

Honey, I feel a little pudgier BEFORE the wedding. You know how they say brides lose weight right before the wedding because of stress? This doesn't happen to me. I stress-eat. Mostly, I stress-eat chocolate. I swear my dress was tighter today than it was two weeks ago. Oh dear. After the honeymoon I am going to be a whale.

Jenna said...

Guilty-I am so happy we didn't do all-inclusive for that very reason. The price of food held us back from gorging entirely.

Ethidium-My husband could probably stand to plump up the teeniest bit (well as long as it is muscle), but I definitely have more to lose and intend on seeing it gone. I think I remember you saying you like DDR as much as I do once!

amyjean-We aren't that impressed with the Wiifit. It isn't enough of a workout for my taste. If I am going to be spending time playing a video game and counting it as exercise time I better be dripping sweat at the end of the day.

Ruby-I felt like I was getting heavier before the wedding but it must have been my own subconscious telling me that because I lost weight despite all of my stress eating. Heres hoping the same thing happens to you as well.

Rachel said...

you've been tagged by me!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck!!!I am really not looking forward to the time period that I have to start watching my weight with an eagle's eye!

Naturally Blessed said...

oh how i'm sooo concerned about this. i dont want to gain a pound..if i could get thru the next 2 weeks and break even that would be awesome.

i wish u lived closer....we have a great family sized washer and dryer set that sitting in storage. we wont be able to take it with us bc FI's apt doesnt have hookups.....dang....we bought them with the intention of putting them in our home....oh well.