Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bride Blogs

I just spent a ridiculous amount of time adding a "Brides" blogroll, I hope someone will use it. These are all of the blogs that I subscribe to, with some of them being my favorites... and some of them not so much. But I am non-discriminatory because I have found some really amazing ideas through blogs that I hadn't currently been interested in. I will admit that I am a complete Weddingbee addict. So if you want to start somewhere, that is the place to go. If anyone would like recommendations of other blogs that I tend to read first, please let me know!

I am working on the "Photographer" blogroll and the "Wedding Inspiration" blogroll as well, but they are going to take a LONG time so I am giving myself (and my poor little computer) a break. I did add the Unveiled Society to the Wedding Inspiration blogroll a little early because I want to be added to theirs!


ami @ elizabeth anne designs said...

thanks for linking to us! we're honored. :) (and i added your new blog to our blog love page too1)

Sarah said...

Thanks for linking to me. You're off to great start! I love reading about everyone else's wedding planning process.

Jenna said...

Elizabeth-I will admit that I am a blog stats addict and I have already had a few hits from your page. Thanks so much for adding me.

sarah-I love that you are a student as well, I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Emily said...

Hey Jenna - thanks for checking out my blog and adding it to your blogroll! I'll keep a close eye on your progress ;)
Good luck!

Faire La Fete Productions said...

Thanks for adding us to your blog roll!! We are so honored that you have listed us amongst the elite in the blogsphere.

Jenna said...

faire-No problem! Enjoy!