I just put all 75 of my Seattle wedding invitations in the mail today. Wheeeeeee! I can't show you everything yet because I still have 200 announcements to finish assembling and mail off, and I want them to be a surprise for all of those receiving them in the mail. I can give you a little sneak peak of all of their pretty pretty parts though!
Yummy yummy linen texture!
I managed to work a map of Poland into the design. It should help those that didn't pay enough attention in geography in high school :)
So many lovely buttons! Buttons that cost me 20 cents to mail!
My two favorite parts. Our quote and a little stitching action.I am so proud of them. They are my little DIY babies that I cried, stressed, and sometimes yelled about (so sorry for yelling at you mom). I can't wait to show you every single little detail!
Holy cow! I don't even know what I'm looking at and I'm already in love. Buttons? Stitching? Linen? Maps? Quotes? I can't wait to see the whole thing. Looks so yummy.
I can't wait to see them. Congratulations on getting them out!
Wow, Jennah these look amazing (I wouldn't expect anything less), I cannot wait to see more :)
I'm sure it feels really nice to be able to claim back all that space they were taking up, just so you can fill it up with more wedding stuff.
I can't wait to see the full announcement! You amaze me Jenna! The date is coming up so soon! Yay!
I agree - sending the invites out is like a labor of love. You're watching your announcement go out to the world.
Its awkward you know (well at least for me) because people would ooh and ahh and I'm like "Yeah, so let me know if your coming". I'm a very factual - give me your answer kind of girl.
The Buttons and the map are a very cute and shabby chic idea.
Congrats - one goal accomplished.
I like this teaser. can't wait to see them in full.
These look great. I love the stiching and can't wait to see more pics!
I love them from just what I saw!
Okay seriously, I'm dying to see these in their entirety. I participated in the vote about the image (was that for these? I don't remember) so I feel like I'm entitled! Also, what is it about linen finish paper that makes me happy in a way that nothing else does? Why, oh why, do we love it so?
Natalie and Jess-I think you should be getting one in the mail very soon!
Megan-I feel the same way. It's really unexplainable.
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