We started out nice and dry with a beautiful sunrise in the background.

Kelli came over and whispered in my ear "Let's go take some sexy shots to surprise That Groom with." I was all over this idea, and so we ran off, yelling something over our shoulders about how we would be right back. I was so into the photos, striking all kinds of hot poses (well I thought they were hot at the time) and attempting to be so sexy, and in reality the entire thing was staged by Kelli and That Groom to distract me. Kelli was hardly paying attention the entire time she was snapping away, and I was just eating it up. I probably won't be showing anyone the photos anytime soon because it is kind of embarrassing to think how into it I was when it was all set up to trick me :)

That Groom came and got us and I made some excuse about how we both had to go to the bathroom or something. He seemed to buy it so I thought I was being really clever. I love the shot below because I am being all cutesy and posey and he looks like he is about to pee his pants from nervousness.

Then as you may know, he proposed.
After we had settled down from our post proposal high a little bit, it was time to get back down to business. We took some classic running through the waves shots, but we didn't stay dry for long because I couldn't WAIT to get in the water.

That Groom is resisting my attempt to draw him in all the way. I remember him saying "You're crazy." What did he think we were going to do when I told him I wanted to fly a photographer to Mexico and do engagement photos on the beach?

Things started out sweet.

And thengot a little sultry.

I'm so happy that we did these in the ocean shots very last because we were so relaxed. The one thing I didn't pay enough attention to was how low my dress was. I try to be conservative in terms of cleavage, but the twins I lug around are big enough that they try to peek out and say hello whenever possible. Some of my favorite shots are ones I will end up getting rid of because I have SO. MUCH. CLEAVAGE. So try to be aware of that.

Several people said that it is a bad idea to wear bright prints in photo sessions, and after seeing these photos I have to respectfully disagree. Especially in light of our time spent frolicking in the waves, the print was the best thing I could have done. I don't have a stick thin body, and in this shot I am standing up soaking wet, but the bright print helps distract you from any bodily imperfections that would normally have me cringing.

We ended the shoot completely submerged. Kelli took photo after photo, and then when she couldn't stand it anymore, she ditched her camera on the shore and came in to swim with us.

My biggest piece of advice to those of you thinking about engagement sessions is to try, in every way possible, to have your engagement session with the photographer who will be your wedding photographer. It gives the groom a chance to meet the person who they will be spending so many intimate moments with on the wedding day, and most importantly of all it gives the photographer a chance to see how you interact with each other.
I cannot say thank you enough to Kelli for doing this, and for providing us with photos so beautiful I am unable to choose a favorite. Grazie, la mia amica.
*All photos are by my beyond fabulous friendographer Kelli Nicole
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Oh mamasita! You two are very caliente! Such a romantic trip to Mexico!
these pictures are sooo beautiful Jenna. i have tears in my eyes for u guys bc the fun, love, everything comes thru sooo well!
u're right, this was a dream e-session. u look great in that print dress!
and thank u for the tip about the groom meeting the photographer....that is an excellent idea......i might try to squeeze in at least a meeting....FI gets comfortable with ppl pretty quickly so that would be perfect! i'm not sure if we'll get any shots taken ($?), but at least we can all get a rapport going.....
re: invitations: i'd say i'm about 70% complete.
i'm waiting on card stock to come in so i print the hotel stuff and directions. i've got envelopes on order and hopefully they get here soon (saturday/monday). and i have to deal with entering in addresses...i dont even have FI's familys' addresses!
i've decided i'm mailing invitations out as i get addresses. i haven't given our mothers much to do....so if the fallout is that less of their lists get invited? so be it... they've had 7 months to get me these addresses.....
Hot hot hot!
I LOVE the last picture of the two of you in the water all the way.
I wish Jaren and I could do a photo session like this even now. Before we decide to get pregnant so that I look like I do now.. cause I'm not so convinced I'll look this good after kids. :)
What a great story and you two have such beautiful pictures to show for it! :)
Wow, I didn't think they could get any better, but I think you saved the best for last. This is definitely a dream e-session. You will cherish these pics forerver. Isn't it funny how it all works out? Kelli was meant to shoot these! I can't wait to see your wedding!
this looks like such fun!
I just have to say that you are gorgeous. that one "sexy" shot of you is BEAUTIFUL.
that last picture - so so hot. loves it!
I love the sultry ones! Hot! And that is so funny you talking about your "girls" all the time. LOL!! I have similar issues, although I don't mind letting the girls do what they will. Very nice.
PS. If you are interested in the veil for real I will give it to you for next to nothing. Just lemme know!
You look absolutely gorgeous in all of these photos!!!! It's also so nice to see the handsome face you'll be marrying!!!! Congratulations!!!
oh this is the BEST set! i love all of them but especially the ones in the water!
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